Aug 5, 2022 | Worldwide
SUDVIN is a committed economic player, aware of its social responsibility, on the way to energy sobriety. Shipping wine in bulk reduces CO2 emissions by 40% compared to shipping in bottles. It also significantly reduces the amount of packaging required and allows our...
Jun 28, 2022 | Worldwide
The Sudvin and Cordier teams are back in South Africa! We are living a great moment! We are selecting profiles of wines from the 2022 harvest for our clients! Sauvignon, Colombard, chardonnay, chenin, pinotage, Syrah,...
Jun 8, 2022 | Worldwide
Nous y sommes !Le premier salon WBWE US Bulkwine commence aujourd’hui en Californie !L’équipe SUDVIN est fière de présenter les bulkwines de Cordier toujours à la pointe des nouvelles tendances de consommation...